FTE Global 2013 is now under three weeks away, but we are still tweaking the agenda and adding more speakers and exhibitors to ensure it is our best event yet. As announced earlier this week, we have made a significant change to conference timings. The Keynote session, which will be delivered by Rob Girling of Artefact, has been moved forward to 17:30 on 4 September, just before the Welcome Reception. This will allow more time for delegates to network and view all the inspiring solutions on the exhibition floor, which has been recently boosted by the addition of MI.Airline, which delivers mobile empowerment to airline cabin crews.
We have also finalised the line-up of our participant-driven ‘Unconference’ session in the ‘On the Ground’ conference. We can confirm there will be three streams, which will focus on Mobile & Apps, Technology & Baggage, and Towards a Commercial Digital Airport. These will be facilitated by Jared Miller, Vice President and General Manager, Travel and Gaming Solution, NCR; Mark Stokes, Transportation and Logistics Business Unit Manager, Brock Solutions; and Professor Alexander Dreiling, Associate Professor and Chair in Airport Innovation, Queensland University of Technology (QUT).